Dust Mite Anti-Allergen Treatment

Dust Mite Anti-Allergen™ Treatment

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Can Be Applied To Carpets, Mattresses and Furniture
Our Cleaning Solution And Dust Mite Treatments Are Plant Based, Baby & Pet Safe, Hypoallergenic And Contain No Perfumes

About Dust Mites

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are tiny bugs – not insects per se, but more closely related to spiders and ticks. They measure about 1/100th of an inch in length, which is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Due to their very small size, these dust mites are not visible to the naked eye. They live in bedding, couches, carpet, stuffed toys and old clothing. Dust mites feed on the dead skin that falls off the bodies of humans and animals and on other organic material found where they live.

Dust mites love warm, humid areas filled with dust. Bed pillows, mattresses, carpets and furniture are great places for them to live.

How do dust mites affect people?

For most people, while they are disgusting, house dust mites are not actually harmful. However, the medical significance of house dust mites arises because their microscopic cast skins and feces are a major constituent of house dust that induces allergic reactions in some individuals.

For those individuals, inhaling the house dust allergen triggers rhinitis allergica or bronchial asthma. Symptoms are usually respiratory in nature (sneezing, itching, watery eyes, wheezing, etc.) but there arealso reports of a red rash around the neck. Other allergic reactions may include headaches, fatigue and depression.

House dust contaminated with the fecal pellets and cast skins of dust mites is one of the mostnstrongly allergenic materials found indoors. Estimates are that dust mites may be a factor in 50 to 80 percent of asthmatics, as well as in countless cases of eczema, hay fever and other allergic ailments.

How do I know if there are dust mites in my home?

Pretty much every home contains a dust mite population to some degree.  The volume of house dust mite presence is often suspected before they are actually seen and accurately identified. Usually it happens when
somebody in the household experiences any of the above symptoms.

The presence and volume of house dust mites can be confirmed microscopically which requires collecting samples from textiles materials that trap them… items like mattresses, couches and carpets. Also, it requires the use of a microscope with sufficient magnification and the technical ability to recognize house dust mites under the microscope.

There are also diagnostic tests sold and distributed in the U.S. One must collect dust samples and mix a portion of the sample with reagents packed with the test. Then, a dipstick is placed into the mixture, and the color change then compared to a chart packed with the test.

best carpet cleaning Lindsay – affordable rug cleaning by Chem-Dry of the Kawarthas / Durham & York
A Small Child Continually Exposed To Dust Mite Allergens Over A Period Of Time Can Become Susceptible To Asthma Later On In Life Allergies are on the increase. They are
an unwanted response of the immune system. They result in inflammation in the eyes and nose (rhinitis), lungs (asthma) and skin (eczema) – and may contribute to migraine, hypo activity and rheumatoid arthritis.

The house dust mite excrement is one of the most widespread allergen triggers for asthma, eczema and
allergic nasal mucous membrane inflammations.This trigger was a microscopic protein found in the excrement of the dust mite. The substance, now known as the allergen Der p1, is today recognized throughout the world as the major cause of the distressing symptoms of asthma, rhinitis, eczema and other dust sensitive conditions. Those tiny creatures thrive in their millions in the warmth and humidity of carpets, mattresses, bedding, upholstery and furnishings of even the most scrupulously clean homes. They are too small to be seen without a microscope, feeding mainly on shedded human skin scales, fungi and bacteria.

The Breakthrough
Dust Mite Anti-Allergen neutralizes and renders harmless the allergen Der p1 and Der p2, the proven root cause of more than 90% of all asthma/dust attacks in the home.Dust Mite Anti-Allergen contains powerful, yet non-toxic, natural ingredients formulated to de-nature dust mite and feline allergen, bringing immediate and positive benefit to people with asthma, rhinitis, eczema or other related conditions.
How Does Dust Mite Anti-Allergen Work?
Allergy Relief Treatment changes the shape of allergen proteins, making them unrecognizable to the
body, which prevents them from causing an allergic reaction.They are no longer “recognized” by the body’s immune system and they do not bond with the antibodies sent to destroy them. This bonding process is the cause
of the body’s allergic response (the allergy attack).

Cycle Of Dust Mite
The house dust mite lives for approximately 4 months producing about 200 times its own body weight in excrement and
laying approximately 300 eggs, making the concentration of allergens in areas we most frequent. These then in turn are the areas which require the most attention with Dust Mite Anti-Allergen.As the dust mite excrement dries, breaks away and becomes airborne, vacuuming with conventional cleaners using conventional filters can do more harm than
good by blowing out up to 40% of the dust they collect into the surrounding atmosphere. This can cause even more distress to the people with asthma or other dust related allergy problems.

Alleviating the Problem – What You Can Do

  • Reduce ExposureSpecial Carpet Treatments should be used to inactivate the allergen accumulated in your upholstery, mattresses, area rugs and carpet and to reduce the mite population.
  • Floor Care
    In all areas of extended exposure (bedrooms, family rooms, computer room etc.) where hard flooring is
    installed a DAILY damp mopping or tack-rag, dusting is important to keep settled dust and allergens from becoming airborne.Frequent vacuuming is recommended for the removal of surface allergen from upholstery,
    area rugs, mattresses and carpets. Unfortunately however, not just any vacuum will do. Many vacuum cleaners have poor filtration or leak, blowing allergy-causing particles (allergens) into the air. Allergen containment is an
    important consideration in evaluating the performance of your vacuum. We recommend choosing a CRI Green Label approved vacuum with true HEPA filtration.A well-made HEPA vacuum cleaner fitted with a HEPA filter and offering a high degree of allergen containment is very effective at minimizing exposure to allergen while vacuuming. A HEPA filter added to a vacuum will retain particles
    at 99.97% efficiency down to 0.3 microns and will reduce the amount of airborne allergen dispersed during vacuuming. Scientific studies have shown that a vacuum with a completely sealed system is an excellent way to contain dirt and allergen particles within the machine.
  • Professional Cleaning
    Because the biggest culprits in allergen exposure in your home are your upholstered items and mattresses, annual cleaning of these items by an approved service provider who uses safe, non-allergenic products is highly recommended.
  • A twice annual carpet cleaning by a Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) certified firm using safe, non-allergenic products and approved methods will help empty and renew your carpets natural filtering ability (for homes with allergy and asthma sufferers this is especially important to perform in the areas of extended exposure such as bedroom and family rooms).
  • Air Purifiers And Scrubbers
    According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies, “on average, the air inside your home is up to 5
    times more polluted than outdoor air” – and it’s because indoor air gets trapped.
    Individuals sensitized to airborne allergens such as pollen, mold spores, cat or dog dander and house dust mite excrements can reduce their indoor exposure to these allergens by use of a high-efficiency air purification. The best we’ve found is IQAir.  They offer specific room air purifiers and whole-house air purifiers that provide ultra-high efficiency removal of allergens and other irritants.
  • We have secured special discounts on their entire IQAir product line exclusively for our clients. Simply go to www.insideair.ca and mention PROMO CODE 2311 to make sure you receive these savings.

Further Information & Resources

Feel free to contact us. We have free reports, information and services that can really help alleviate your allergies.

  • CLICK HERE to view a wonderful informative video produced by the CRI to help educate healthcare practitioners who are dealing with anever growing numbers of patients with allergies, asthma symptoms and breathing problems.
  • They have also compiled lots of the latest studies from around the world on allergies and indoor air quality issues that you can access by Clicking Here.